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5 minutes with … Jill Hopkins

August 7, 2023

Introducing …. Jill Hopkins, Business Development

jill hopkinsPlease tell us a little bit about yourself

I live in Chichester and enjoy living on the coast – the best of both worlds. I love travel – of course – and have been lucky enough to travel all over the world as part of my work. I, personally, love to take part in our trips that involve community projects.

How long have you been with Different Travel? How did you get involved?

I’ve been with Different Travel since January 2006. I travelled with them to Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami. On my return our group were invited to a bbq with the founders of the company. We had a long conversation about their plans for the future and I managed to persuade them that I might be useful on the phone! I have been involved in contacting charities, corporates and schools.

What was your first Different Travel trip? What made it special?

My first trip working with Different Travel was to Goa, India. We worked alongside a charity called Mother Teresa’s Roses, which was established by two nuns who had worked closely with Mother Teresa and were carrying on her work. Our group were restoring a house in the country that had been bequeathed to the charity for the street children of Mumbai. As well as the work we were there to do, we were able to get to know the children and learn of their background. It was a very emotional experience.

What has been your most memorable Different Travel adventure to date?

Apart from the above, probably canoeing down the Zambezi, driving a tuk tuk around Northern Thailand and community projects in Cambodia, India, Africa….

If you could go on an adventure with three people (past or present, real or fictional) who would they be and why?

Frank Sinatra, Dame Edna Everage and my Mum … :-). We would have good conversation, lots of laughs and good music.

What is your ultimate dream destination?

Any island!

Which Different Travel adventure appeals to you, and why?

Cuba – it’s a country I’ve always wanted to go to. Colourful, exciting and unknown territory for me.

What do you love about working with Different Travel

Everything! What we do is so exciting and worthwhile. Helping charities fundraise. At the same time giving their supporters an experience of a lifetime. The people I work with are supportive, creative and inspirational. We are a true team.

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