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Top 4 ways to travel responsibly

November 22, 2018

When we travel we become a guest in the destination. Like all good guests we believe it’s right to be respectful and open-minded so here are our top 4 ways to travel responsibly.

  • Do your research.

Research your destination and its culture especially the language, religion, travel safety advisories and travel health. In addition, delve deeper into local etiquette, attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community and common scams. As a result you will be prepared for cultural differences and have a more enjoyable experience.



  • Shop locally.

Do your souvenir shopping at local markets, eat in local restaurants, buy coffee at independent cafés and stay in locally-owned hotels. Spending money at small local businesses supports the economy therefore helping families educate children, employ more staff and put food on the table. Not to mention you will have a more authentic and memorable travel experience!


  • Protect the environment.

Take short showers using biodegradable toiletries, switch off air conditioning or heating when you’re not using it and use a re-useable water bottle. Walking instead of using taxis reduces carbon emissions and keeps you fit! Don’t forget to recycle and also put litter in waste bins. These good habits apply everywhere! For more tips check out our responsible tourism policy here.


  • Protect the rights of people and animals.

Do your best to protect the rights of humans and animals by refusing to get involved in any kind of exploitation. For example taking photographs of people without permission, children denied an education and made to perform in cultural shows instead, elephant rides and big cat petting etc. Furthermore it’s important to ask questions if you see something that worries you. For more details about responsible travel please visit Tourism Concern and World Animal Protection.

What steps do you take to travel responsibly?


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